CHILD dedication

As a parent or future parent, you likely want the best for your children in every respect, including for them to develop their own genuine relationship with the Lord. Parents are primarily responsible to raise their children to love the Lord and obey Him. However, you are not alone in this effort. 

When you dedicate your child, you make a public commitment before God, your church, and your family to raise your son or daughter to love and obey the Lord. You also agree to partner with the Holy Spirit in spiritually nurturing your children. During the dedication, you will be able to pray over your children, and our church elders will pray over you and your children as well. Moreover, child dedication signifies your willingness to allow the church to come alongside and help you in training your children. At RED Church we offer Bible-based Kids and Student ministries to complement your parenting.

We believe that you will reap great rewards as you raise your children with the partnership of the Holy Spirit and your church family. Proverbs 22:6 encourages parents, "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."

If you are a church member and want to dedicate your child to the Lord, please sign up below for our child dedication class, and a member of our Next Steps Team will connect with you.